|| Erin ||

Who's ERIN? Well, that's me of course! And here's some stuff about ME!

~Name: Erin
~Age: 14
~Location: Arkansas USA
~Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Acting, Writing, and computer design!
~Favorite Actors: Elijah Wood, Joaquin Phoenix, Orlando Bloom, Ryan Philippe, Tobey Maguire, and Hayden Christensen
~Favorite Actresses: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, and Jenifer Aniston. ~Favorite Bands: Smashing Pumpkins, Good Charlotte, Coldplay, Yanni, and Jimmy Eat World
~Favorie Colors: PINK and GREEN!
~Three words that describe me: Energetic, Loud, Funny

IF you want a page about YOU like this, then just answer the same questions above, and e-mail them to me! Be sure to include your web site, (if you have one) so that i can be sure to link you!
